16 Instagram-Worthy Marquette Moments

Marquette University
We Are Marquette
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2017


Be The Difference on Instagram. Capture these picture-perfect times.

1. When St. Joan of Arc Chapel is in bloom

What else would be No. 1?

2. When it’s dawn over Gesu

3. When the light dims by Marquette Hall

4. When it’s game day. #mubb

5. When you spot President Lovell

6. When you feel like jumping for joy

7. When you’re among friends

8. When you’re being the difference

9. When the seasons change

10. When you’ve taken the journey together

11.When you reflect on the day

12. When you thank your mentors

13. When you’re surprised!

14. When you slow down to watch the world go by

15. When you feel on top of the world

16. When you realize it was all worth it

What would you add to this list?

Originally published at muexplore.tumblr.com.

