Decorating my room with string lights — so simple yet so effective in bringing on the hygge feeling

Hygge without leaving your home

How to create an atmosphere of coziness when you need to hunker down

Alyssa Duetsch
We Are Marquette
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2019


There are so many ways to enjoy being indoors. I like to enjoy the little things about the season like drinking warm tea, cozying up in a blanket, and decorating my room with pillows, lights and candles.

The Danish call this “hygge” — Pronounced “hue-gah” — which translates to the concept of creating coziness, especially enjoyed with friends in cooler weather.

Want a few ideas on how to hygge on campus? Check out this article.

However, as the weather gets really cold, I find myself not wanting to leave the warmth of my apartment. As much I love to hygge around town, here is how I hygge at home.

1. Get festive with lights

The photo above is a view of my window ledge. I love decorating my room with string lights. It is so simple yet so effective in bringing on the hygge feeling.

2. Light a candle with your favorite scent

I like to light a seasonally scented candle when I am in my room studying or relaxing.

3. Try a new tea flavor

Tea is one of my favorite parts of the cold season. I like trying new flavors like cinnamon apple or find a new chamomile and using my favorite mug for a nice cold weather pick-me-up.

Marquette student? Check out the great tea flavors at the Brew!

4. Keep it simple

Hygge is not about extravagance, but about enjoying the little things. Focus on the details that really make you happy.

5. Cozy socks

Who doesn’t love fun and cozy socks? Bring the hygge to your toes with a fun pair of warm socks.

Why not show some school spirit in your socks this season? Check out some Marquette socks here:

6. Find that book you said you were gonna read, and go read it!

During cold weather, I find myself brushing the dust off that book I told myself I was going to read months ago.

7. Bake a new recipe

Baking is one of my favorite year-round activities. However, when the weather gets cold, I find myself spending more time inside with the comfort of my oven.

peanut butter chocolate banana muffins

Here is the recipe for these delicious muffins! (I used regular chocolate chips instead)

8. Hot Cookie Night

If you are a Marquette student living in The Commons, Cobeen, or Straz Tower, warm, hot cookies are only an elevator ride away. Cobeen’s hot cookie night is Thursday; The Commons’s is Monday; Straz Tower’s is Wednesday. If you don’t live in these places, here is a quick mug cookie recipe you can make in your own microwave!

9. Find your hygge color palette and decorate accordingly.

I like finding colors that make me feel calm. These are a few of the colors I decorated with this season.

10. Find a cozy blanket

Soft blankets bring all the hygge feelings. Cozy up next to your candle and lights.

11. Cozy up and watch a movie

Grab that blanket, those socks, some candles, and turn on your favorite movie. Cozy up with a friend and enjoy the season together.

Want to binge watch a TV show instead? Support Marquette alum, Brian Distance, by watching these shows: House of Cards and NCIS: New Orleans.

Learn more about him here:

12. Follow some inspirational hygge instagram accounts

Whether you follow them for inspiration or just to look at a beautiful and pleasing feed, they’re calming accounts to follow.

Here are some recommendations:

@ jancrable

@ signesjohnansen

@ simplethingsmag

@ mays_photographer

@ johannabradford

13. Appreciate the view out your window.

Your window might be covered in melted snow or have frost on the inside, but appreciating the simplicity of the world around you can help put the stress of life into perspective.

14. Look through old photo albums

Bring on the nostalgia by digging up old photos and remembering fun memories with family and friends.

Don’t have any photo albums in your apartment or dorm? Use Instagram to look at old photos and memories:

